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Bike Hike and Groton Campout - November 2002
Read our trip report by clicking HERE
Meed Wilderness Base, NH - August 1999
Read our trip report by clicking HERE
Below are some rock climbing photos taken in the Sandwich Notch Area of New Hampshire. Part of this trip was also done in canoes at Squam Lake in New Hampshire. The last photo shows a make-shift sail on one of the canoes.
Camp Wanoksett, Boy Scout Summer Camp - July 1999
Read our trip report by clicking HERE
Here's our Rocketeer proudly holding his Estes Model Rocket that he made to earn his "Space Exploration" Merit Badge during summer camp.
Here's our Rocketeer again. This time blasting his rocket off, on the waterfront at Camp Wonocksett. All you can see here is the puff of smoke that the rocket left. Unforniately his rocket was never recovered from the lake. It sank before they could get to it by canoe. That tower in the background is the lifeguard watch stand if you're wondering. Funny thing about it was, one of the rockets shot right throught the top of it while the lifeguard was up there. You'll notice he got down pretty quick before the next launch.
Here's a group of our scouts waiting for roll call before meals. Before every meal we would all assemble at the field by the waterfront for roll call wearing our uniform shirts. Then go as a troop to the camp's dining hall for our meal rations.
Here's a group of nine of our scouts proudly standing on a "Friction Bridge" that they just completed building. That's John Sewell, (past Scoutmaster of Troop 1), standing on the left looking on. Our bridge was so strong that the whole troop got on it at the same time and it held all our weight. This bridge was placed at the entrance to our Troop's campsite and all visitors had to cross it to enter. For building this bridge, our troop won the coveted "Golden Broom Award" for the best campsite improvement.
This was a four day adventure. We camped on the Island at Camp Richard a Cape Cod and Islands BSA Council camp. Our troop rented mountain bikes as our mod of transportation. We explored the Island, went swimming at the beach, played miniature golf, and our Scouts played football games against other Boy Scout Troops staying at Camp Richard. And of course we were the champions!!!
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